Analysis, optimization, and control of stochastic systems; applications in financial engineering, market microstructure, quantitative and algorithmic trading, and blockchain technology.

Podcast appearances:

Short briefs that feature some of my work are available here:


C. C. Moallemi, D. Robinson. Loss-versus-fair: Efficiency of Dutch auctions on blockchains. Working paper. Initial version: May 2024. Revised: July 2024.
B. Bachu, X. Wan, C. C. Moallemi. Quantifying price improvement in order flow auctions. Working paper. Initial version: April 2024. Revised: May 2024.
G. Angeris, T. Diamandis, C. C. Moallemi. Multidimensional blockchain fees are (essentially) optimal. Working paper. Initial version: February 2024.
A. Adams, C. C. Moallemi, S. Reynolds, D. Robinson. am-AMM: An auction-managed automated market maker. Working paper. Initial version: February 2024. Revised: May 2024.


R. Dewey, C. C. Moallemi, A. Brown. Free exchange is not free. Wilmott Magazine, 2023(127), September 2023.
[pdf] [doi]
D. Crapis, C. C. Moallemi, S. Wang. Optimal dynamic fees for blockchain resources. In ACM FC 2024: Proceedings of the International Conference on Financial Cryptography and Data Security, forthcoming, May 2023.
J. Milionis, C. C. Moallemi, T. Roughgarden. Automated market making and arbitrage profits in the presence of fees. Working paper. Initial version: February 2023. Revised: May 2023.


J. Milionis, C. C. Moallemi, T. Roughgarden. A Myersonian framework for optimal liquidity provision in automated market makers. In 15th Innovations in Theoretical Computer Science Conference (ITCS 2024), 2024.
[pdf] [doi]
J. Milionis, C. C. Moallemi, T. Roughgarden. Complexity-approximation trade-offs in exchange mechanisms: AMMs vs. LOBs. In ACM FC 2023: Proceedings of the International Conference on Financial Cryptography and Data Security, pages 326–343, 2023.
[pdf] [doi]
J. Milionis, C. C. Moallemi, T. Roughgarden, A. L. Zhang. Automated market making and loss-versus-rebalancing. Working paper. Initial version: August 2022. Revised: May 2024.
Preliminary version:
  • J. Milionis, C. C. Moallemi, T. Roughgarden, A. L. Zhang. Quantifying loss in automated market making. In DeFi'22: Proceedings of the 2022 ACM CCS Workshop on Decentralized Finance and Security, pages 71–74, November 2022.
    [pdf] [doi]
C. C. Moallemi, U. Patange. Hybrid scheduling with mixed-integer programming at Columbia Business School. INFORMS Journal on Applied Analytics, forthcoming, August 2022.
[pdf] [doi]
V. F. Farias, C. C. Moallemi, T. Peng, A. T. Zheng. Synthetically controlled bandits. Working paper. Initial version: February 2022. Revised: December 2022.
S. Min, C. C. Moallemi, C. Maglaras. Risk-sensitive optimal execution via a conditional value-at-risk objective. Working paper. Initial version: January 2022.


C. C. Moallemi, M. Wang. A reinforcement learning approach to optimal execution. Quantitative Finance, 22(6):1051–1069, March 2022.
[pdf] [doi]
C. Maglaras, C. C. Moallemi, M. Wang. A deep learning approach to estimating fill probabilities in a limit order book. Quantitative Finance, 22(11):1989–2003, October 2022.
[pdf] [doi]


S. Min, C. C. Moallemi, D. J. Russo. Policy gradient optimization of Thompson sampling policies. Working paper. Initial version: June 2020. Revised: August 2022.


R. Dewey, C. C. Moallemi. The unsolved mystery of the Medallion Fund's success. Bloomberg Businessweek, November 2019.
S. Min, C. Maglaras, C. C. Moallemi. Thompson sampling with information relaxation penalties. Management Science, forthcoming, February 2022.
[pdf] [online supplement]
Preliminary version:
  • S. Min, C. Maglaras, C. C. Moallemi. Thompson sampling with information relaxation penalties. In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 32, pages 3549–3558, 2019.
G. Huberman, J. Leshno, C. C. Moallemi. An economist's perspective on the Bitcoin payment system. In American Economic Association Papers and Proceedings, 109:93–96, May 2019.
[pdf] [doi]


S. Min, C. Maglaras, C. C. Moallemi. Cross-sectional variation of intraday liquidity, cross-impact, and their effect on portfolio execution. Operations Research, 70(2):830–846, March–April 2022.
[pdf] [doi] [online supplement]


G. Huberman, J. Leshno, C. C. Moallemi. The economics of the Bitcoin payment system. Vox EU, December 2017.
G. Huberman, J. Leshno, C. C. Moallemi. Monopoly without a monopolist: An economic analysis of the Bitcoin payment system. The Review of Economic Studies, 88(6):3011–3040, November 2021.
[pdf] [doi]


C. C. Moallemi, K. Yuan. A model for queue position valuation in a limit order book. Working paper. Initial version: December 2016. Revised: June 2017.
C. C. Moallemi, K. Yuan. Portfolio liquidity estimation and optimal execution. Working paper. Initial version: December 2016. Revised: August 2019.


N. Bhat, V. F. Farias, C. C. Moallemi, D. Sinha. Near optimal A-B testing. Management Science, 66(10):4477–4495, October 2020.
[pdf] [doi]
C. Maglaras, C. C. Moallemi, H. Zheng. Optimal execution in a limit order book and an associated microstructure market impact model. Working paper. Initial version: May 2015.


O. Besbes, J. M. Chaneton, C. C. Moallemi. The exploration-exploitation tradeoff in the newsvendor problem. Stochastic Systems, 12(4):319–339, December 2022.
[pdf] [doi] [online supplement]
P. Glasserman, C. C. Moallemi, K. Yuan. Hidden illiquidity with multiple central counterparties. Operations Research, 64(5):1143–1158, September–October 2016.
[pdf] [doi]
K. Iyer, R. Johari, C. C. Moallemi. Welfare analysis of dark pools. Working paper. Initial version: October 2014. Revised: June 2018.
C. Chen, G. Iyengar, C. C. Moallemi. Asset price-based contagion models for systemic risk. Working paper. Initial version: October 2014.
C. C. Moallemi, M. Sağlam, M. Sotiropoulos. Short-term trading skill: An analysis of investor heterogeneity and execution quality. Journal of Financial Markets, 42:1–28, January 2019.
[pdf] [doi]


P. Collin-Dufresne, K. Daniel, C. C. Moallemi, M. Sağlam. Strategic asset allocation with predictable returns and transaction costs. Working paper. Initial version: August 2013. Revised: June 2015.


N. Bhat, V. F. Farias, C. C. Moallemi, Andy T. Zheng. Non-parametric approximate dynamic programming via the kernel method. Stochastic Systems, 13(3):321–397, September 2023.
[pdf] [doi]
Preliminary version:
  • N. Bhat, V. F. Farias, C. C. Moallemi. Non-parametric approximate dynamic programming via the kernel method. In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 22, pages 395–403, 2012.
C. Maglaras, C. C. Moallemi, H. Zheng. Queueing dynamics and state space collapse in fragmented limit order book markets. Operations Research, 69(4):1324–1348, June 2021.
[pdf] [doi]
*Honorable Mention, INFORMS Financial Services Section Student Research Paper Competition, 2012
C. C. Moallemi, M. Sağlam. Dynamic portfolio choice with linear rebalancing rules. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 52(3):1247–1278, June 2017.
[pdf] [doi]


M. Broadie, Y. Du, C. C. Moallemi. Risk estimation via regression. Operations Research, 63(5):1077–1097, September–October 2015.
[pdf] [doi] [online supplement]
V. V. Desai, V. F. Farias, C. C. Moallemi. Bounds for Markov decision processes. Chapter in Reinforcement Learning and Approximate Dynamic Programming for Feedback Control (F. L. Lewis, D. Liu, eds.), IEEE Press, pages 452–473, December 2012.
M. Broadie, Y. Du, C. C. Moallemi. Risk estimation via weighted regression. In Proceedings of the 2011 Winter Simulation Conference, pages 3854–3865, December 2011.
[pdf] [doi]
C. Chen, G. Iyengar, C. C. Moallemi. An axiomatic approach to systemic risk. Management Science, 56(6):1373–1388, June 2013.
[pdf] [doi]
*Honorable Mention, INFORMS George Nicholson Student Paper Competition, 2011


V. V. Desai, V. F. Farias, C. C. Moallemi. Pathwise optimization for optimal stopping problems. Management Science, 58(12):2292–2308, December 2012.
[pdf] [doi] [online supplement]
*Best Simulation Publication Award, INFORMS Simulation Society, 2014
M. Broadie, Y. Du, C. C. Moallemi. Efficient risk estimation via nested sequential simulation. Management Science, 57(6):1172–1194, June 2011.
[pdf] [doi]
K. Iyer, R. Johari, C. C. Moallemi. Information aggregation and allocative efficiency in smooth markets. Management Science, 60(10):2509–2524, July 2014.
[pdf] [doi]
Preliminary version:
  • K. Iyer, R. Johari, C. C. Moallemi. Information aggregation in smooth markets. In EC '10: Proceedings of the 11th ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce, pages 199–206, June 2010.


C. C. Moallemi, M. Sağlam. The cost of latency in high-frequency trading. Operations Research, 61(5):1070–1086, September–October 2013.
[pdf] [doi]
*1st Place, INFORMS Financial Services Section Student Research Paper Competition, 2011
Selected for publication in the Operations Research Forum
C. C. Moallemi, D. Shah. On the flow-level dynamics of a packet-switched network. Working paper. Initial version: November 2009. Revised: October 2012.
Preliminary version:
  • C. C. Moallemi, D. Shah. On the flow-level dynamics of a packet-switched network. In SIGMETRICS '10: Proceedings of the ACM SIGMETRICS International Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems, pages 83–94, June 2010.
V. V. Desai, V. F. Farias, C. C. Moallemi. Approximate dynamic programming via a smoothed linear program. Operations Research, 60(3):655-674, May–June 2012.
[pdf] [doi]
*1st Place, INFORMS Junior Faculty Paper Competition, 2011
Preliminary version:
  • V. V. Desai, V. F. Farias, C. C. Moallemi. A smoothed approximate linear program. In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 22, pages 459–467, 2009.


C. C. Moallemi, B. Park, B. Van Roy. Strategic execution in the presence of an uninformed arbitrageur. Journal of Financial Markets, 15(4):361–391, January 2012.
[pdf] [doi]


C. C. Moallemi. A Message-Passing Paradigm for Optimization. Ph.D. thesis, Stanford University, September 2007.
V. F. Farias, C. C. Moallemi, B. Van Roy, T. Weissman. Universal reinforcement learning. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 56(5):2441–2454, May 2010.
[pdf] [doi]
Preliminary version:
  • V. F. Farias, C. C. Moallemi, B. Van Roy, T. Weissman. A universal scheme for learning. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, pages 1158–1162, Adelaide, Australia, September 2005.
C. C. Moallemi, B. Van Roy. Resource allocation via message passing. INFORMS Journal of Computing, 23(2):205–219, Spring 2011.
[pdf] [doi] [online supplement]
C. C. Moallemi, B. Van Roy. Convergence of min-sum message passing for convex optimization. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 56(4):2041–2050, April 2010.
[pdf] [doi]
Preliminary version:
  • C. C. Moallemi, B. Van Roy. Convergence of the min-sum algorithm for convex optimization. In Proceedings of the 45th Allerton Conference on Communication, Control and Computing, pages 840–847, Monticello, IL, September 2007.


C. C. Moallemi, B. Van Roy. Convergence of min-sum message passing for quadratic optimization. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 55(5):2413–2423, May 2009.
[pdf] [doi]
C. C. Moallemi, S. Kumar, B. Van Roy. Approximate and data-driven dynamic programming for queueing networks. Working paper. Initial version: December 2006. Revised: January 2013.


V. F. Farias, C. C. Moallemi, B. Prabhakar. Load balancing with migration penalties. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, pages 558–562, Adelaide, Australia, September 2005.
[pdf] [doi]
C. C. Moallemi, B. Van Roy. Consensus propagation. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 52(11):4753–4766, November 2006.
[pdf] [doi]
Preliminary version:
  • C. C. Moallemi, B. Van Roy. Consensus propagation. In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 18, MIT Press, pages 899–906, 2006.


J. M. Johnson, K. Mason, C. C. Moallemi, H. Xi, S. Somaroo, E. Huang. Protein family annotation in a multiple alignment viewer. Bioinformatics, 19(4):544–545, 2003.
C. C. Moallemi, B. Van Roy. Distributed optimization in adaptive networks. In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 16, MIT Press, pages 887–894, 2004.
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Preliminary version:
  • C. C. Moallemi, B. Van Roy. Decentralized protocols for optimization of sensor networks. In Proceedings of the 42nd Allerton Conference on Communication, Control and Computing, Monticello, IL, September 2003.
K. Mason, N. M. Patel, A. Ledell, C. C. Moallemi, E. A. Wintner. Mapping protein pockets through their potential small-molecule binding volumes: QSCD applied to biological protein structures. Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design, 18(1):55–70, 2004.


E. A. Wintner, C. C. Moallemi. Quantized Surface Complementarity Diversity (QSCD): A model based on small molecule-target complementarity. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 43(10):1993–2006, 2000.


C. C. Moallemi. Neural networks in the computer analysis of voided urine cells for bladder cancer. IEEE Expert, 6(6):8–12, December 1991.
Copyright 2003–2025 Ciamac C. Moallemi
Last Modified: 2024/07/26 02:09pm